
+43 1 267 7 267

Mo-Thu 9am-16pm, Fr 9am-12am


Our services – Education and preventive work

Our offers. Icon of a floating heart above an open hand.


The FGM/C Coordination Centre offers free counseling by phone via an Austria-wide info phone. Women affected by or at risk of FGM/C, as well as professionals, experts or interested persons who need support or information on the topic of FGM/C, can contact this service. hfgh

  • Are you looking for more information about FGM/C?
  • Do you have medical problems?
  • Do you need help?

The info phone can be reached Monday to Thursday from 9 am – 4 pm and Friday from 9 am – 12 am under the following number:

+43 1 267 7 267

In addition to the info phone, the FGM/C Coordination Centre also offers counseling directly on site.
In Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz and Salzburg there are free counselling centres for people affected by violence and FGM/C and those at risk, providing information, support and confidential individual counselling in medical, psychological and legal matters.

Regional counseling centres

Counselling Centre Vienna

Frauengesundheitszentrum FEM Süd
Wiener Gesundheitsverbund – Klinik Favoriten
Kundratstraße 3
1100 Wien

Counselling Centre Styria

Austrian Red Cross
Regional Office Styria
Merangasse 26 (Entrance Leonhardstraße 23)
8010 Graz

Language: German, English, Arabic, 3 ghanian languages, Somali

Counselling Centre Tyrol

Austrian Red Cross
Regional Office Tyrol
Heiliggeiststraße 19
6020 Innsbruck

Language: German, English, Arabic, Somali, Spanish

Counselling Centre Salzburg

FrauenGesundheitsZentrum Salzburg
Mag.a Aline Halhuber-Ahlmann
Alpenstrasse 48/1
5020 Salzburg

Language: German, English

Counselling Centre Upper Austria

Linzer Frauengesundheitszentrum
Mag.a Friederike Widholm
Kaplanhofstraße 1
4020 Linz

Language: German, English

Counselling Centre Vienna

MEN Männergesundheitszentrum
Wiener Gesundheitsverbund – Klinik Favoriten
Kundratstraße 3
1100 Wien

Language: German, English

Training for professionals

Raising awareness with experts from relevant professional groups is particularly important in order to provide the best possible support to affected women and potentially affected girls.

The FGM/C Coordination Centre therefore offers training for professionals who may come into contact with those at risk of or affected by FGM/C in their daily work (e.g. members of health and social professions, educators …). The training courses focus on providing knowledge and raising awareness on the topic of FGM/C, as well as recommendations for dealing with (potentially) affected women in a culture-sensitive approach.

Specific topics of the trainings include:

  • Definitions and forms of FGM/C
  • Prevalence and incidence of FGM/C
  • consequences and complications
  • other forms of tradition-related violence
  • legal situation
  • recommendations for action

If you are interested in a training course, please contact us via the info phone +43 1 267 7 267 or via

Workshops with communities

The cooperation with people from affected communities is essential. The coordination centre therefore offers workshops for women and girls who are affected or at risk, as well as for men from communities with a high incidence of FGM/C in their countries of origin. These workshops aim to prevent FGM/C through targeted education, awareness-raising and the removal of taboos by providing information.

In addition, multiplicators are trained who then carry these messages further into the communities.

Are you interested in a workshop? Contact us via our info phone +43 1 267 7 267 or via


A major goal of the FGM/C Coordination Centre is the connecting of all actors in the context of FGM/C throughout Austria. Contacts to stakeholders who are actively engaged against FGM/C shall be established and expanded with the aim of having regional contact persons all across Austria.

  • Is your organisation working to prevent FGM/C in Austria?
  • Are you a professional who specialises in dealing with women affected by FGM/C?

Contact us via the info phone +43 1 267 7 267 or via mail:

FGMC Koordinationsstelle - Kompetenzzentrum Österreich